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Tinsley Lynx's Staff Re-Application
Steam Name (must be updated if changed) : Tinsley Lynx

Steam Profile ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Welcome_to_the_Lynx_den/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:194613578

Age: 17

Do you have a microphone?: yes

Why do you want to become moderator?: I used to be a moderator here, left the server, played some other gamemodes, and eventually found myself back here again. I understand how difficult sandbox servers are to run, and NeoTek seems to be worse than others. I still want to help keep the peace.

What will you bring to the server?: I can bring a sense of level-headedness I didn't have before, as well as greater experience. In addition, I enjoy helping people out, and it seems that NeoTek is gaining players again, from my point of view. Being a returning staff member, I also know how the server dynamic works.

Why should choose we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?: I have lots of experience staffing on sandbox, roleplay, and cenima servers, sanbox mostly. I have staffed here on NeoTek before and have an intimate understanding of the server rules, and am friends with several people in the community and some staff.

Do you have experience with ULX? (Ulysses Mod) As I've said before, I've been staffing for a while. ULX is the only form of staff addon worth using, so yes, I have lots of experience with it.

How many hours do you have on the server?: 6 days and 5 hours (+trusted rank)

What is your Discord account? (Name + Discriminator - i.e SilverMight#1302): Tinsley Lynx #1231


You need regular to apply for moderator (6 hours)

Please put some time and thought into this. Any posts not using correct grammar/being typed lazily will most likely be denied, such as "i want to become moderator b/c i want to help the server xD!" 

Please do not lie about your information either, like age. 

Age requirement is 12 years old.
Application Denied
Feel free to Apply in a Week
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