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Full Version: Is Wario A Libertarian
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(09-15-2019, 03:36 PM)a local maine eevee Wrote: [ -> ]yeah but what about waluigi
I don't think Waluigi fits libertarian principles at all.

Sure, he owns a pinball place, but he has a crush on Princess Daisy, an authority figure, so he doesn't seem to be anti-statist. Definitely capitalistic, but in no way libertarian, likely.
ok thank you i can now fuck off
After reviewing your claims, I have concluded that your inference is really educated and informational. I do believe your claims about Wario being Libertarian. The facts add up, and it makes sense.

I agree with this statement!
Please keep the discussion on topic.
(09-15-2019, 03:51 PM)a local maine eevee Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-15-2019, 03:50 PM)TyMotor Wrote: [ -> ]After reviewing your claims, I have concluded that your inference is really educated and informational. I do believe your claims about Wario being Libertarian. The facts add up, and it makes sense.

I agree with this statement!
peepee poopoo
Nah Fam
(09-15-2019, 03:51 PM)TOP NEPU Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-15-2019, 03:51 PM)a local maine eevee Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-15-2019, 03:50 PM)TyMotor Wrote: [ -> ]After reviewing your claims, I have concluded that your inference is really educated and informational. I do believe your claims about Wario being Libertarian. The facts add up, and it makes sense.

I agree with this statement!
peepee poopoo
Nah Fam
yes fam
Are we just going to skip over the simple fact that Peach is a monarch who gives her people no means of representation and constantly disregards their needs and use's her kidnappings as means to keep her people loyal under the cause of rescuing her and claiming more land from the Koopa population?
(09-15-2019, 03:59 PM)Jerry Wrote: [ -> ]Are we just going to skip over the simple fact that Peach is a monarch who gives her people no means of representation and constantly disregards their needs and use's her kidnappings as means to keep her people loyal under the cause of rescuing her and claiming more land from the Koopa population?
True, this is one principle that I actually side with Wario on. That man doesn't give a shit about authority, and absolutely defies the totalitarian monarchy of the Mushroom Kingdom.
I hate black people yes?
(09-15-2019, 04:06 PM)waffles Wrote: [ -> ]I hate black people yes?
Did Wario say that?
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