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InternetGamer's Staff Application
Steam Name (must be updated if changed) : InternetGamer

Steam Profile ID: 76561199008664593

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:524199432

Age: 17 (Note: Turning 18 in less than three weeks)

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Why do you want to become moderator?:  I want to become a moderator because I feel like I should contribute to the server by up holding values for the server.  I feel like I am finally ready to be apart of Neotek staff team. I want to become staff because, like I said in my previous staff application, I want to keep the server running like a new engine.  I want to keep it running 100% as much as possible.  It's time I express my thankfulness, and I want to do that by serving my time as a staff member.  Trying not to be cliché as to why I want to be staff, but the main reason I want to to be staff is because I want to put in the effort to stop bad people from ruining the experience of what the server has to offer for others.  The image of the server is my top priority.

What will you bring to the server?: I will bring my reliability, availability, and accountability.  I am very active on the server, so being on the server when a problem arises shouldn't be an issue.  I will also bring my knowledge on some common issues with Garry's Mod with their solutions.  I will also bring my experience as a staff member to this server.

Why should we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?:  The main reason you should choose me over someone else is that I have a good ability to adapt to situations.  I can usually tell when someone is lying.  In general, my previous staff experience, combined with my ability to adapt to situations, makes me a suitable person for a position on the staff team.

Do you have experience with ULX? (Ulysses Mod) Yes.

How many hours do you have on the server?: 1 week 4 days

What is your Discord account? (Name + Discriminator - i.e SilverMight#1302): stepbromight#9797
"Pull up yo pants boy, this isn't Red Lobster!"

Messages In This Thread
InternetGamer's Staff Application - by spiderdude007 - 10-20-2020, 07:28 PM

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