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Glorious Leader's Mod Application
Steam Name (must be updated if changed) : VoX Glorious Leader

Steam Profile ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082308452/

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:61021362

Age: 16

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Why do you want to become moderator?: Recently there has been an influx of minges and rule breakers on NeoTek, and It’s really sad to see. I would like to help minimize the effects of minges and improve the playing experience for everyone on the server.

What will you bring to the server?: There’s hardly ever any staff on the server, the most active recently have been Uzi, Ace, and Spilled. Ace and Uzi are never on for very long which leaves the server vulnerable for most of the day. I am very active on the server, I’m on almost every day for hours at a time, and I am friends with many other people that can easily reach me at a moment’s notice to help out.

Why should choose we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?: I am a pretty understanding person, I will help people understand the rules and regulations of the server and try to keep the order going without hampering people’s playing experience. However, when players break rules with malicious intent, I know how to deal out the appropriate punishment for their actions.

Do you have experience with ULX? (Ulysses Mod): Not a whole lot, but I know all of the important commands, how to use them, syntax (etc).
(P.S: I’ve also watched this video to learn more about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maaxlC1P4mE )

How many hours do you have on the server?: 147 hours (6 days, 3 hours, and some minutes)

What is your Discord account? (Name + Discriminator - i.e SilverMight#1302): InfaRed#0831

Thank you for your consideration.
+1 I see VoX on the server often, very good player. Would definitely consider making him staff.
[Image: archlinux-logo-dark-90dpi.ebdee92a15b3.png]
+1 ,staff
[Image: 53d8acdc68.png]
I'd give this a +1. The application is good and this user is very trustworthy, active, and responsible.
Application Accepted!
Welcome to the Staff Team!
[Image: 53d8acdc68.png]

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