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The Russian Gun staff Application 2
Steam Name (must be updated if changed): The Russian Gun

Steam Profile ID: =https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972744543/

Steam ID:{https: steam_0:1:6239407}


Do you have a microphone?: I do have a microphone 

Why do you want to become a moderator?: The reason I want to become a moderator is that I want to help maintain the server because throughout the 5 years I've played on the server, I've had an enjoyable experience playing on the server. I want newcomers to have the same experience I had. I'm pretty well-liked among the community. I've made good connections with most users and even some staff. It makes my blood boil when someone joins the server and doesn't read the motd and break 7 rules in 5 minutes. I'm on for least 80% of the day.      

What will you bring to the server?: If I get accepted, I will be someone who will enforce the motd/rules and will be on whenever I can to deal with a problem. I want to create an enjoyable experience for new players. I will be the person who walks into a problem and knows how to handle it correctly.  

Why should we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?: I have pasted experience as a super moderator for about one and a half years. I also have been with the server for about 5 years. I always have Discord open. I also spend a lot on the server and it's at the times when most staff would be at work are school. I also never idle. I understand the job and I know what not to do and what to do.  I also talked to a lot of staff before writing this.

Do you have experience with ULX? I have 1 and a half years of experience with ULX and I am relearning it as we speak  

How many hours do you have on the server?: 5 weeks 4 days 22 hour 21min

What is your Discord account? : The Russian Gun#3731

Messages In This Thread
The Russian Gun staff Application 2 - by sirshroomy - 10-20-2020, 02:04 PM

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