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Gamer22's Application
Steam Name (must be updated if changed) : Gamer22

Steam Profile ID:  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199008664593/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:524199432

Age: 17 (Turning 18 this year on November 10)

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Why do you want to become moderator?:  Well, for starters.  I am wanting to help clear up some of the problems that have been on the server.  Constant disrespect, ACF abuse, mingery, NSFW, (I think we all know where the NSFW came from.)  I agree with TyMotor when he says "There is a standard of morality on our server".  I really do agree with him.  Now, have I held myself to that standard? No, I have not.  I have said some things I really do regret saying in Garry's mod and Discord chat. I also probably have been the most responsible person on the server either.  Recently, I had something happen in my life that kind of brought my awareness to a new level.  I am ashamed of the person I once was.  I am now striving to become a normal member of society. I now have a job somewhere, and I found healthier ways of having fun.  I now believe that I, in my eyes, am fit for staff.  Now, as to why I want to become staff.  I want to become staff because I want to become apart of this server.  I want to keep the the server and the community running like a brand new engine.  I want to help Neotek stand out among other servers.  I believe the staff currently are doing there best and I have the best intentions at heart for the server.  I believe this server is great, but I feel like I can make things even better.

What will you bring to the server?: I will bring my dedication and hope to the server.  I will make sure as long as the server is up, it will be running in the most efficient manner possible.  I will also bring my knowledge of certain addons to the server so I can help anybody find something or say, working with ACF.  I also only have one class this semester than I am done with school.  So what I am saying is I will bring my availability and reliability to server such as being on the Discord and Garry's Mod sever as much as I can.

Why should we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?:  To be honest, there are only three reasons why you should choose me over someone else, and they are: One, I love feedback/criticism. Two, I can adapt to situations fairly quick. And three, I know compassion.  It may seem like I am a guy who the only thing he jokes about is horse semen and sexual humor, but deep down, I am a man who knows compassion.  Who cares for other people's well-being.  Even if I have not met someone in real life, and I like them as a friend, I still care for them.  It also seems like I might not use the staff powers right.  All I can say is this: I will not abuse the rank.  Sure, I might be not perfect at staff, but I will be sure to give it my all.

Do you have experience with ULX? (Ulysses Mod): Yes I know some commands.

How many hours do you have on the server?: At least a week.

What is your Discord account? (Name + Discriminator - i.e SilverMight#1302): Cap#9797
"Pull up yo pants boy, this isn't Red Lobster!"

Messages In This Thread
Gamer22's Application - by spiderdude007 - 08-28-2020, 01:13 PM
RE: Gamer22's Application - by the gabe - 08-28-2020, 05:05 PM
RE: Gamer22's Application - by TyMotor - 08-31-2020, 05:08 AM

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