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Term's Moderator Application
Steam Name (must be updated if changed) : Term

Steam Profile ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198262574077/

Steam ID:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dr--Death 

Age: 13

Do you have a microphone?: No

Why do you want to become a moderator?: I would like to become a moderator because the server is very chaotic and I would like to fulfill its need for moderation. If you join the server for about 2 minutes you will without a doubt run into someone breaking the rules, and there's rarely any staff and the ,staff command usually results in no response or one that is too late. This problem could easily be fixed by having more moderators. Not only that but I find the server very enjoyable and would like to see it prosper, but some don't see it the same way and are pushed away from the server by constant rule breaking.

What will you bring to the server?: I will try my best to bring the server peace and much needed moderation. I would also like to bring enjoyment to the server's many players, and make them want to stay on the server and not look for a different server, as well as bringing rule enforcement to the server to keep people playing.

Why should we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?: I am a trusted player and understand what is and isn't allowed. I might not have experience with being staff but I guarantee you there are people out there with more experience being staff and using commands but were mediocre or bad staff members on the server they were previously staff on. Though, it is up to you whether you would have a experienced but bad staff or new but a staff member you could train to be good yourself.

Do you have experience with ULX? (Ulysses Mod) No

How many hours do you have on the server: Over three weeks.

What is your discord account? (Name + Discriminator - i.e SilverMight#1302) Term#7466

Large Uzi Vert said he would ban me if I didn't apply so here it is.
+1 tried to kill John Connor
what a naughty boy
[Image: 53d8acdc68.png]
+1 Decent application, I fully trust Term with the responsibility of Moderator. And I will ban you if you don't get accepted. Good luck on the application!
[Image: unknown.png]
+1 I have 400 math questions to do
[Image: archlinux-logo-dark-90dpi.ebdee92a15b3.png]
+1 app is very good and to the point and this player is by far one of the most trust worthy

comic SANS
Application Accepted!
Welcome to the Staff Team!
[Image: 53d8acdc68.png]

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