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Ban Appeals. - Printable Version

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Ban Appeals. - EPN - 02-20-2021

Ban Appeal Format:

Discord Name (including discrim, i.e.: SilverMight#1302): Kawaii#2005
Why did you get banned?: I propblocked someones base because i was testing one of the doors on the map to see what i could use to teleport with it. There is only 1 door in the map u can teleport a prop through and i was testing it and i blocked the door in the process. IĀ also was driving in a base.. Later on a staff member got on and banned me without even asking me anything...
Why do you want to get unbanned?: Im really really sorry for what i did earlier. i was bored and i was being stupid so im sorry. please let me come back.. I really like the server ):. The ban was 5 days which i think is excessive.

RE: Ban Appeals. - dAsHmAn - 02-20-2021

This is the discord appeals, and the text is messed up.