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Full Version: Dingo's Moderator Application
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Steam Name (must be updated if changed): The Architect Of Fear (Dingo) 

Steam Profile ID:

Steam ID: 

Age: 15

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Why do you want to become a moderator?: I have found since my time on this server there has been more and more minges ruining the fun for other people example killing people while building, Killing people in pac3 and blowing up their cars, minging at the moment on the server is really bad when staff is on it kind of slows down but when staff gets off it becomes a horrible environment, This server has also been very good to me always online when I’m online still some players when im online although I live in Australia and most people are off when I come on but on weekends I can come on a lot and I want to repay the server.

Why I took a break: I took a break from Garry’s mod due to some family problems for about 4 weeks and I will hopefully not have to take a break from my favorite game again.

What will you bring to the server?: I will bring a more controlled and friendly environment and hopefully have a lot more people staying on the server and not leaving due to minges.

Why should choose we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?: I have had experience as a staff member the highest I got up to was admin on a dark RP server I am good with people and will respect them and not abuse my powers.

Do you have experience with ULX? (
Ulysses Mod) Yes, I know all the commands that you will need to know to become staff and deal with minges and problems.

How many hours do you have on the server?: I have 2 days 16 hours and 55 minutes
I'm not too sure how you are as a person, but your application is absolute shit. It has several grammatical errors that are just too poor to be an application of quality.

I'm not trying to make a long ass post so I'll leave my rating here.


Seems kinda stereotypical for an application. I'm not sure what this user could benefit to the server.
The quality of this application is literal garbage, many grammatical errors as stated by Alaskan. But I can trust you with the rank of Trial Moderator as you have had it before. So my rating will be a 0, good luck on the application.
Being staff is not about getting rid of minges and other shitheads its about protecting the user's experience on the server so they come back to the server with friends or just themselves
Application Denied

Feel free to apply again in a week