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Full Version: Application With Format, MystykPlayz
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Steam Name: MystykPlayz

Steam Profile ID:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64525073

Age: 13

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Why do you want to become moderator?: Because I miss the feeling of responsibility of being staff.

What will you bring to the server?: A new outlook on things, following the staff guidelines, of course.

Why should choose we choose you over someone else, who could possibly have more experience?: Well, you obviously could pick someone else then me, but I feel I should be picked because of my experience. I have experience from another Garry's Mod server, its down but i can still get the stats for proof. I have also been staff/owner on Minecraft servers before, and although there different games, I can use my Minecraft experience to be a better staff in general on the Garry's Mod server.

How many hours do you have on the server?: 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 50 seconds.

Thank you for taking my application in consideration. And again, sorry for my previous application not being in format,

0 For right now, the application seems somewhat stereotypical and not very unique. If you could add more, or change things up - that would be great. I'll wait for more replies and make my decision.
-1, the application is the norm, which is NOT good. It is horrendous in my eyes. If you cannot make up an application describing YOU, then I personally don't care. And I'm sure that other staff feel the same, We already know what you plan to do as staff, but give us some light on your policies, strictness on rules, etcetera. Just giving a watered down app with no flavour is just boring, and redundant,

Good luck on the Application.
-1.  Please go into more detail on why you would like to be a moderator
Application Denied
Denied due to inactivity. Player last seen December 12th.